West Norfolk Artists Association

Ket D




Artist's Statement

Ket is based in a small village in west Norfolk surrounded by open fields, ditches, sunlight and sky. Ket’s work plays with shapes and colours, often based on photos taken in the garden or along roadside verges on Norfolk’s wild country lanes, combining a background in horticulture and an admiration for the structural beauty of plants with a fascination for machinery, insects, marine life and for some reason, road signs.

Ket loves to look at the world from different angles and is drawn to the boundary between the natural and human made world, the edges of things, and imperfection in all its forms.

“Never stop being a kid. Never stop feeling and seeing and being excited with great things like air and engines and sounds of sunlight within you. Wear your little mask if you must to protect you from the world, but if you let that kid disappear you are grown up and you are dead.”
Richard Bach

Contact this Artist

Email: ket.aviart@gmail.com

Web: www.aviart.co.uk

Some more examples of Artwork


Warm Morning


Hunter and Hunted


Late Marigold Afternoon


Looking, Doing - Hope Series


Quiet Garden