Now that we have a beautiful permanent gallery space in the fabulous Chequer House Gallery, on King Street in King's Lynn, exhibitions promoting our members' work will be held more regularly and run for longer than we have been able to organise in the past. This is a very exciting new chapter for the Association. There will be an on-going programme of exhibitions throughout the year. Please look out for details in our Monthly newsletter - ‘Update’.
We also plan to continue our tradition of a Spring Exhibition on the coast at Thornham Village Hall, to be held over the Easter Bank Holiday in 2025.
Association exhibitions are only open to members, so you first need to ensure that your membership of the WNAA is current. There are a number of rules for each exhibition, relating to size and type of work and how recently it has been created. The venues used normally require invigilating throughout the run of the show, so members entering work must be prepared to undertake two or more invigilating sessions of usually 3 hours each.
Entry forms for all WNAA exhibitions are sent to all members well in advance of each show. However, you can download general exhibition regulations from the links below.
WNAA Exhibition Regulations. Revised July 2024 (opens as a PDF) Guidelines about Prints, Photographs, Reproductions Etc. Revised May 2024 (opens as a PDF)