WNAA Art Blog post

I am currently working on a self-initiated project to illustrate a book about King’s Lynn. It is a fascination town with much history. I felt inspired to create this project whilst invigilating at our summer exhibition in St Nicholas’ Chapel. One of the church staff was giving a guided tour about the church and was enthusiastically talking about the church’s history. This gave me the idea to create a book about the history of the town. I then spent many trips to King’s Lynn sketching around the town and taking photographs. Fortunately, when the first lock down happened, I already had a large buy tramadol no prescription number of images to be working from and have been able to continue since. I have so far created 10 drawings out of a list of 55 that keeps on growing as I discover more and more buildings to add!

When the book is complete, I hope to have it printed and perhaps crowd funded or sent to a publisher.

My process for creating each drawing involves:
1) drawing the outline in pencil
2) painting a wash of watercolour on areas to be in colour
3) adding detail to the drawing using colour pencil and graphite pencil

Izzy Wingham